Montag, 29. November 2010

Mordern Talking

"Der 28-Jährige ist jetzt zwar Kronprinz, gilt aber als noch zu unerfahren, um Staat und Partei von seinem Vater zu übernehmen. Ihm wurden deshalb seine Tante und deren Mann zur Seite gestellt"

"Un hat alle Filme des Actionstars Jackie Chan, und er besitzt einen Minidisc-Player, auf dem er am liebsten die nordkoreanische Hymne hört – und sie seinen Freunden vorspielt, «mindestens tausendmal»."

Fujimoto tells of an episode in 1994 -- the year Kim became head of state after the death of his father, Kim Il Sung -- when he was invited to attend one of Kim's notorious "pleasure parties." Holding court while sporting his trademark bouffant hair and chunk heels, Kim beamed with excitement as his top aides boogied to American dance music with shocked young women who had been ordered by Kim to strip naked. There were strobe lights and a disco ball hanging that evening from the ceiling of the Dear Leader's lavish Sincheon guesthouse south of Pyongyang. "Kim Jong Il told the women to take off their clothes," Fujimoto said. Kim pointed at senior aides one by one, commanding them to dance. "You can dance, but don't touch. If you touch, you are thieves,"

Fujimoto said he was dazzled by Kim's massive liquor cellar, stocked with nearly 10,000 bottles. There was Johnnie Walker Swing scotch and Hennessy XO cognac. To satisfy the Dear Leader's demanding tastes, Fujimoto was sent on international shopping trips, hauling back winter melons from China, pork from Denmark, caviar from Iran and Uzbekistan, but especially the finest sushi from Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market, the largest in the world.

Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2010

Couchsurfing Anal

For Ewan™ Oyeah

This young man asked for a couch sending me a "copy and paste"-request
-not using the request button
-not at least putting my name in the request.
I answered with a "no" because i think putting the hosts name in a request should be the minimum of respect. and i was booked anyhow.

He answered a day later with:
"wow Jorg (if that is your rreal name) you, re a pretty anal guy!
have a nice day"

So it was a good decission not to host him.

From Ewan™ Oyeah

I think that just re-affirms my point ;)
did u have a nice day??

Dienstag, 21. September 2010

Schlingensief Revival Day VII

Schlingensief Revival Day VI

Schlingensief Revival Day V

Schlingensief Revival Day IV

Schlingensief Revival Day III

Schlingensief Revival Day II

Schlingensief Revival Day I

Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2010

"Demokratie lebt..."

vor 1 Monat 93
wer blumentopf nicht mag hat das prinzip des hip hops nicht verstanden!

via doC